RESEARCH PROGRAMME Assessment of the Impacts of Soil and Water Conservation Technology Interventions and Household Food Security in Selected Communities in Northern and Upper East Regions of Ghana
RESEARCH PROGRAMME Conservation Agriculture Practice: The Psychology of Smallholder Farmer Adoption in Ghana
RESEARCH PROGRAMME Development of a Toolbox for Operationalizing Green Economy Transitions at a Sub-National Level in Africa
RESEARCH PROGRAMME Earth Shattering – Opportunities for Financial Sector Engagement at the Nexus of Modern Slavery and Natural Resources in Ghana
RESEARCH PROGRAMME Engaging the Private Sector for Inclusive Extractive Industries and Sustainable Value Chains in Africa
RESEARCH PROGRAMME Forest and Soil Degradation in Ghana: Implication for Developing Sustainable Landscape Management Strategy
RESEARCH PROGRAMME Green African Transformation (GREAT) Pathways – Building a partnership for Africa–EU collaboration on low-carbon development (BMZ project)
RESEARCH PROGRAMME Greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation options under climate and land use change in West Africa: A concerted regional modeling and observation assessment (CONCERT)
RESEARCH PROGRAMME Impact of the transition towards a green economy on employment and growth in Cote d’Ivoire
RESEARCH PROGRAMME Improving the Development Outcomes of Public-Private Partnerships in Agriculture and the Environment
RESEARCH PROGRAMME Integrating food and feed crops to improve livelihoods and resilience to climate change
RESEARCH PROGRAMME Potentials of an African grass species in healing industrial and domestic sickwater.
RESEARCH PROGRAMME Review of the Status of the Domestication of the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation, and Measures to Leave-No-One-Behind (LNOB) in WASH
RESEARCH PROGRAMME Stranded Assets and Climate Change in the Context of Sustainable Development in Africa
RESEARCH PROGRAMME Technology Transfer on Mushroom/Development of Edible Mushroom Cultivation in Namibia