Although Private-Public Partnerships (PPPs) have shown a significant promise in developed countries in recent years, little is known about their effectiveness in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), especially in the agricultural sector. Recently, PPPs are emerging in SSA as a key vehicle to diversify economies and promote agricultural innovation and productivity. Yet, most of them are still experimental and it is unclear whether or not they are able to achieve their goals. Since there is a dearth of empirical evidence on how PPPs in agriculture work, it is essential and urgent to deepen our knowledge on the potential of agricultural PPPs at national and regional levels.
This research project aims at reviewing and assessing the state of PPPs in agriculture in a representative number of SSA countries so as to guide further research, policy development and targeting of private and public funds for partnership development. It will provide empirical evidence on how and in which conditions PPPs in SSA agriculture can provide benefits to society and the environment. Based on both qualitative and quantitative methods, drawing from 6 country case studies and situational analysis, and using sex-disaggregated data, the project will also assess the potential of PPPs to foster gender equality in SSA. For each country, UNU-INRA will prepare thematic reports and policy briefs that address the landscape of PPPs in agriculture; the effects of PPPs for agriculture on inclusive growth and food security; and the effects of socio-political and economic contexts on agricultural PPPs feasibility, models and performance.
The proposed project will be undertaken by the United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa in collaboration with its continent-wide network of the College of Research Associates. The expected duration of the project is 12 months with a budget of 200,000CAD.