December 13, 2018 Accra
GCIC consortium members in a group photo with inductees and graduating entrepreneurs. As with previous cohorts, each inductee received a green pot to nurture and grow, symbol of their 12-month journey with the GCIC towards improved business and climate outcomes
The Ghana Climate Innovation Centre (GCIC) – along with UNU-INRA, Ashesi University, SNV Ghana and Ernst and Young – organised an induction ceremony to welcome a fourth cohort of green entrepreneurs onto the GCIC program. The event doubled as graduation ceremony for the second cohort of entrepreneurs who recently completed their 12-month business training and support program at the GCIC.
Established in 2016 and managed by a consortium led by Ashesi University and including UNU-INRA, Ernst and Young and SNV Ghana, the GCIC is a pioneering business incubator with a mission to develop and support transformational Ghanaian entrepreneurs who are pioneering adaptive and mitigating solutions for climate issues in Ghana.
As part of the event, members of the consortium took turns to brief the over 20 inductees on what to expect – and not – from the program, urging them to take advantage of every support and opportunity provided to develop themselves and grow their businesses for improved climate impact.
The GCIC operates an innovative approach, which leverages the unique expertise of consortium members to deliver comprehensive and country-driven solutions for beneficiary businesses – including entrepreneurship and venture acceleration, access to finance, technology and product development, market growth and access, and policy and regulatory support.
UNU-INRA is leading the policy and regulatory framework component of the project, which falls under the green economy program area of the Institute.
Cross section of participants at the event