Mafwila, Samuel


  • Samuel Mafwila
    Private Bag 13301, 340 Mandume Ndemufayo Ave, Pionierspark, Windhoek, Namibia

    Research Interests

    • Aquaculture
    • Blue Economy Initiatives and Policy
    • Climate change mitigation/adaptation and renewable energy
    • Fisheries Research
    • Marine biodiversity
    • Natural Resources Management
    • Oceanographic and Environmental Research


    • PhD, Marine Science, University of Cape Town, Department of Zoology
    • MSc Applied Marine Science, University of Cape Town, Zoology Department
    • BSc (Honours), Marine Biology, Rhodes University, Entomology and Zoology Department
    • PGDE (Physical Science and Biology), Faculty of Education, University of Namibia
    • BSc, Zoology and Geography, University of Namibia


    • Director, Sam Nujoma Marine and Coastal Resources Research Centre, University of Namibia
    • Senior Lecturer: Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, University of Namibia

    Biographical Statement

    Dr Mafwila is the Coordinator of the UNU-INRA Operating Unit in Nambia. He has more than 20 years working experience in both the public and private sectors where he has served in various capacities. He is currently the Director of the Sam Nujoma Marine and Coastal Resources Research Centre, University of Namibia (Henties Bay, Namibia) and he is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, University of Namibia. He has served as a Course Director for the Regional Graduate Network in Oceanography in Namibia; Manager for the I&J and NAMDEB Mariculture Venture. He is a certified project management professional, and manages project portfolios including various projects funded by the EU, the UK Research Fund, National Commission for Research, Science and Technology. He serves on boards of corporate companies and as an advisor on various scientific bodies. he is Chairperson of the Namibian SCOR National Committee.  He has published more than 20 scientific papers and specialised reports. He is a marine scientist by profession and an entrepreneur in his own right.