Workshop on PPP Project

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  • DATE / TIME:
    October 2, 2015    08:30 - October 3, 2015    17:00

    The United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA) is organizing an inception and methodology workshop to review  research toolbox that has been developed for its project on “Improving the Development Outcomes of Private-Public-Partnerships in Agriculture and the Environment“.

    Date: 2nd -3rd October, 2015

    Time: 8:30am 

    Venue: MJ Grand Hotel, Accra-Ghana

    The project, which is a one year research project being supported by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), aims at reviewing and assessing the state of PPPs in agriculture and the environment in a representative number of Sub-Saharan African countries so as to guide further research, policy development and targeting of private and public funds for partnership development. Six  SSA countries such as Cameroon, Burundi, Ghana, Mozambique, Senegal and South Africa have been selected for the project implementation.

    The overall objective of the inception and methodology workshop is to bring together lead researchers and key national and regional stakeholders involved in PPP for agricultural development in Africa, to review the draft research toolbox and make recommendations for its improvement. The workshop participants  will  include a number of experts from farmer associations, non-governmental organizations with interest in PPPs for agricultural development and international development partners with technical skills (agricultural experts, public policy experts, gender experts, and PPP experts) from organizations such as AGRA, FARA, IFPRI, IFAD and IDRC.



  • Euphrasie Kouame


    Tel.:0302-213850. Ext. 6328


