JUSTIS Workshop & Policy Roundtable in Zambia

  • DATE / TIME:
    February 13, 2023    09:00 - February 14, 2023    12:32

    The urgency to mitigate the catastrophic impacts of climate change necessitates a rapid transition from fossil-based energy systems to clean, low to zero-carbon energy sources. Without specific efforts to ensure an equitable transition, existing injustices in the current energy systems will be exacerbated, resulting in winners and losers.

    The JUSTIS digital portal seeks to bridge the gap between green entrepreneurs, policymakers, and investors to accelerate green growth and green transitions. 
    The platform creates an avenue to engage and connect green entrepreneurs across Africa with a support infrastructure, enabling businesses to thrive, grow, and effectively contribute to green transition efforts.

    UNU-INRA will host a policy roundtable and workshop on Monday 13th February 2023 and Tuesday 14th February 2023, in collaboration with its Operating Unit held at the University of Zambia.

    The aim of the workshop is to bring stakeholders together to discuss how to include entrepreneurs in the transition and the role of policymakers and other stakeholders. Entrepreneurs will be onboarded onto the Justis digital platform where they can begin using the online marketplace.


    Draft Programme

    Time Agenda Responsible
    9:00-9:30 am Arrival of participants and registration Chief Moderator: Dr. Jewette Masinja
    9:30 – 9:45 am Opening Remarks Dr. Fatima Denton, UNU-INRA Director

    Dr. Hilda Mwakatumbula, UNECA

    9:45 – 10:15am JUSTIS Project and General Key Findings Across the four participating countries Mrs. Thelma Arko, Research Fellow/ Project Coordinator, UNU-INRA
    10:15 – 10:45am JUSTIS Key Findings in Ghana Dr. Ferdinand Tornyie Research Fellow, UNU-INRA
    10:45 – 11:10am Q & A Moderator:

    Dr. Jewette Masinja

    11:10 – 11:30am Snack break

    11:30 am –



    Round Table Discussion: How can Just Energy Transition be attained in Ghana





    Dr. Robert B. M. Sogbadji

    Min. of Energy (Policy maker)

    Dr. Essel Ben Hagan

    Energy Expert/Researcher

    Ms. Agnes Ansah Osei Coordinator for Ghana Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN)/

    Gender Focal Point for West-Africa/ Country

