The United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA) is organizing a one week intensive certificate course in Geospatial Technologies for professionals in the natural resources management sector across Africa.
Date: 19th – 23rd September, 2016
Venue: UNU-INRA Headquarters, 2nd Floor, International House, University of Ghana Campus
The course seeks to create awareness and develop capacity in the application of Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing tools for research and decision making in natural resources management in Africa. It will equip participants with concepts, functional skills, methods and techniques required for prescribing location specific solutions in addressing resources management challenges facing Africa today. The content will include introduction to R-Statistics.
Course content
The course will provide an overview of the chain of data collection, processing and decision making with Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing. It is carefully designed to balance theoretical understanding with hands-on practical skills, through lectures, expert experience in applications, laboratory exercises (instructor-led and self-practice) and field practice with modern equipment.
Who should attend?
The course is relevant for staff of NGOs, district assemblies as well as planners, resource managers, development practitioners, scientists, students, technicians, and other interested individuals.
Fill the attached application form and submit the completed form at UNU-INRA’s office in Accra or mail it to
Application deadline
21st September, 2016
Course Fee
Gh¢ 500 per person (This includes course materials, lunch and snacks). Please contact UNU-INRA for payment.
Praise Nutakor
Communications and Public Relations Associate, UNU-INRA