Call for Applications: Computer Applications to the Analysis & Management of Natural Resources: Geomatics
The Operating Unit (OU) of the United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA) in Cameroon (UNU-INRA-OU/CM) announces a call for application for a training course in digital technology (IT2017). The aim of the training is to build capacity in digital technology and facilitate analysis and management of natural and environmental resources.
Date: July 03 –15, 2017.
Venue: University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon.
The training will have three modules: basic tools module, GIS and Remote Sensing Module, and Digital Map making and Spatial Analysis.
Basic Tools Module: The basic tools module will comprise two units: data management tools, where trainees will be introduced to conception, implementation and the use of relational databases, and images processing tools. The image processing tools will involve introduction to various image acquisition techniques, different format of representation and saving, mechanisms of conversion from one format to other formats, and techniques for enhancing the quality of an image.
GIS and Remote Sensing Module: This module comprises Geographic Information System (GIS), GPS or Global Positioning System and Remote Sensing.
GIS: This unit will serve as a bridge between the manual cartography and the digitization of maps, using advantages connected to the flexibility and the handiness of the computer tools. The module treats principles of computer-assisted cartography, scanning, digitization, covering, transparency and superimposition of maps, the creation of GIS database, GIS skills and the transfer of the cartographic data of Cartography software packages to the GIS software packages and vice versa. These application software packages are Adobe Illustrator and MAPINFO.
GPS or Global Positioning System: This unit will teach trainees about the functioning and use of a GPS. At the end of the course, the trainees will be able to use GPS to determine the ground coordinates of a point, to build a map, to go from one point to another.
Remote Sensing: This unit will comprise two parts: a theoretical part, introducing spatial remote sensing followed by a series of digital treatments of spatial images and case studies. The case studies will show the contributions of the remote sensing to the estimation of the quality of surface water and to the use of the spatial images for the study of the chlorophyllous vegetation.
Digital Map Making and Spatial Analysis: This module has two units: Digital Mapping and Spatial Analysis:
Digital Mapping: The following tasks will be performed:
Spatial Analysis: Will show how to use spatial analysis and cartographic visualization as decision support.
Practical work: This will focus on development of map layer from various data. Emphasis will be put on satellite image processing and thematic development of the natural resources.
Participation in the Training
Eligibility: The target trainees for IT2017 are academic and research staff of Universities and national research institutes or researchers in Africa who are specialized in any of these domains: Geology, Hydrogeology, Hydrology, Climatology, Ecology, Agriculture, Town Planning, Topography, Forestry, Cartography, Geography or any other domain connected to the analysis and management of natural and environmental resources.
Language: The training will be in English.
Fees: The course fee and living expenses in Yaoundé for the two weeks are estimated at $US2, 284.00. This will cover the following:
Partial Scholarship
A limited number of partial scholarships, not including transportation to and from Yaoundé, is provided.
Registration: Candidates should fill the attached registration form and send the completed form to the Coordinator of the UNU-INRA-OU/CM, using the email before 31st May, 2017.
University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon.
Prof. Laure Pauline FOTSO,
Coordinator, UNU-INRA Operating Unit, Cameroon (UNU-INRA-OU/CM).
Tel: (237) 650870143 / 699853571