UNU-INRA Seminar: “Agricultural Intensification and Climate Change Effect on Soil Productivity: A Case of Southern Nigeria”
Empirical analysis of the consequences of land degradation associated with agricultural intensification is desired for proper landscape planning and management. This seminar introduces a study aimed at quantifying the effects of land degradation on soil properties and crop yield in an upland–inland continuum. This research uses a pressure-state-response framework to understand the population-land relationship. Model inputs include parameters that constrain crop production (pressure factors); soil loss indicators (state factors); and methods employed in amelioration and adaptation (response factors). The expected output is to provide a solution to the problems of food insecurity and restoration of the protective functions of the ecosystems.
This seminar is the 12th presentation of the UNU-INRA Academic and Research Seminar Series for the 2012/2013 academic year. Peter Ikemefuna Ezeaku will present his proposal on the study.
About the Speaker
Peter Ikemefuna Ezeaku has a PhD in Soil Science from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He is currently a visiting scholar at UNU-INRA. He has 11 years of teaching experience in soil survey and land-use planning at a graduate level. His main research area is people-land interactions.
Admission is free.
Second Floor
International House, Annie Jaigge Road
University of Ghana
Legon, Accra, Ghana
United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources Africa (UNU-INRA)
Location Address:
Second Floor
International House, Annie Jaigge Road
University of Ghana
Legon, Accra, Ghana
Mailing Address:
Private Mail Bag
Kotoka International Airport
Accra, Ghana
Email: inra@unu.edu or unuinra@gmail.com
Website: http://www.inra.unu.edu