Academic and Research Seminar

  • DATE / TIME:
    March 31, 2016    10:00 - 12:00

    The United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA) invites the general public to a seminar. The aim of the seminar is to share information with the public on research being conducted by two of the Institute’s visiting scholars.

    Date: 31st March, 2016

    Time: 10-12pm

    Venue: UNU-INRA Office, 2nd Floor, International House, University of Ghana campus, Legon, Accra


    Details of the Seminar

    Efficiency of Informal SMEs in Agro-processing in Rural Cameroon, by Dr. Totouom Armand

    The objective of this study is to analyse the technical efficiency of informal SMEs in agro-processing in rural Cameroon. Specifically, it seeks to examine the characteristics of informal SMEs in agro-processing in rural Cameroon; measure the level of technical efficiency of SMEs, and determine the key factors affecting their inefficiency. The study will use the stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) to address SMEs’ technical efficiency issues. STATA12 will be used to estimate the SFA model using the method of maximum likelihood. The data needed for empirical analysis will be gathered from the second survey of employment and the informal sector carried out in 2010 by the National Institute of Statistic, using 501 rural SMEs in agro-processing.


    Impact of Rural Infrastructure on Labour Productivity in Rural Nigeria, by Dr. Kabir Salman

    Labour productivity in Nigeria is low and the growth rate has declined more in recent times. The growth rate of 1.2% in Nigeria is lower than the average labour productivity growth rate of 1.9% in Sub-Saharan Africa. Rural Nigeria, a major source of capital formation, has been characterized with poor welfare and persistence poverty due to low labour productivity. It is evident from literature that infrastructure is a key driver for livelihood security and a foundation for increased productivity. However, a number of rural infrastructure projects in Nigeria overtime have had limited impact on the lives of rural people. An interesting probe is therefore to inquire if infrastructure was not available or not accessible to the rural dwellers. In this study, the determinants of access to infrastructure and influence of rural infrastructure on labour productivity in rural Nigeria will be investigated using Nigerian General Household Survey (GHS)-Panel 2012/13.

    About the Speakers

    Dr. Totouom Fotue Luc ARMAND, a lecturer from the University of Dschang-Cameroon, holds a Ph.D. in environmental economics, from the University of Yaoundé II. His main research interests are applied econometrics, environmental and natural resource economics, health economics, development economics, and gender issues. He has authored several publications and has been involved in several research projects with institutions such as the CEEPA, the AERC, and the PEP.

    Dr. Kabir Kayode Salman obtained a Ph.D degree in Agricultural Economics from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. He is currently a senior lecturer in the same Department. He has taught resource economics, human capital management, econometrics and research methodology. His research interests are rural economics, political economy, impact assessment, policy and development. He had worked with IFPRI, AERC and FARA. He is a member of AGRODEP and Nigerian Association of Agricultural Economists.

  • Praise Nutakor

    Communication and PR Associate, UNU-INRA

