UNU INRA Launches Dare to Share Knowledge Platform with Utrecht University

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  • DATE / TIME:
    November 6, 2023 - November 7, 2023

    On November 6-7 2023, UNU INRA in collaboration with Utrecht University launched a new project, the Dare to Share Knowledge Platform (DToSKP). This project was founded on the basis of the existing gap in the global energy transition dialogue:ensuring a just transition.

    The two day launch was attended by over 100 participants and guest speakers from various countries including Ghana, Nigeria, Zimbabwe,  Kenya, the Netherlands and South Africa. With a hybrid format, the launch brought together these diverse stakeholders including Climate experts , Energy experts, Academia, Diplomatic corps, Government officials(energy sector), Youth and green innovators/Entrepreneurs and media to deliberate and discuss the theme :Justice for whom? Justice for what? Democratising Just Transitions.

    Among the various expertise (speakers) include: James Murombedzi (Chief of Climate Change Section at the Technology, Climate Change & Natural Resource Management Division),Fatima Denton (Director of UNU-INRA, Prince Claus Chair in Equity and Development), Joost de Laat (Professor and director of the Utrecht Centre for Global Challenges at Utrecht University), Olumide Idowu (Mr. Climate, Executive Coordinator of the African Youth Initiative on Climate Change, Climate Justice Advocate) and Xolisa Ngwadla (Veteran AGN negotiator, climate scientist, formerly CSIR South Africa, Independent Scientist), Dr. Jackline Nyerere ( Professor :Education leadership and Policy, Kenyatta University).

    As UN Coordinator, Ghana Mr. Charles Abani accurately highlights at the launch, “ to achieve a more sustainable low carbon future…fostering this kind of dialogue ensures an inclusive and sustainable energy transition.” This launch and subsequent DToSKP events, have the sole aim of including voices in the periphery, that have for so long, been overlooked in the global energy transition dialogue. 

    A just transition refers to a comprehensive and inclusive approach that ensures fair and equitable outcomes when transitioning towards a sustainable, low-carbon future.This just transition framework emphasises the importance of balancing the delicate equilibrium between economic, social, and environmental considerations throughout the transformation towards a more sustainable economy.

    Utrecht University is a public research University in Utrecht, Netherlands.