Stranded Assets Writing Workshop

  • November 12, 2019     Accra

    A writing workshop, from 6th – 9th November 2019, for UNU-INRA’s flagship research on Stranded Assets brought together academics & development specialists to discuss fieldwork from 8 African countries & opportunities that lie within Natural Resource Management.

    The report seeks to investigate the risks and opportunities in the natural resources sector and identify potential policy choices available to African governments. The research centres around the issue of asset stranding, which has had very little attention in the policy sphere although it has serious consequences for long term development in Africa.

    Assets can become stranded when they lose economic value before their anticipated useful lifetime expires. Causes include changes in legislation, market forces, disruptive innovation, societal norms, or environmental shocks.

    Look out for the upcoming report where we unpack the risks, threats and opportunities of asset stranding.